
Quality Tuning Files Service

Discover our intuitive files service platform and its features.

Car interior with long exposure

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Create your account on the platform. Mention the tools you own and if you are a master or slave user.

speed indicator
speed indicator

Original file upload

Automated file recognition, tuning database analysis for a fast process. Upload your file and go through the available tuning and options for a perfect match.

close up engine
close up engine

Tuned file download

Your tuned file will be delivered through your individual history. Flash it and provide us with logs, dyno sheets and results. If necessary, a fine-tuned version will be provided.

red car back
red car back
Car engine close up

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Car engine close up

Register your free account today

Car engine close up

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Add Sections or Complete Pages

Add Sections or Complete Pages

Add breakpoints to your blank page, then drop sections to have them responsive out of the box.

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